4.5" figures that Playmates Toys DIDN'T make (but we wished they did)...
Series Character Episode/Movie Description
ST:DS9 Albino Blood Oath
ST:TOS Alice I, Mudd clones
Movie Alien with blue gonads/knees Undiscovered Country, The Kirk kicks him in knees when he tries to take coat from him
ST:TOS Amanda Journey to Babel
ST:TOS Andrea What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Movie Anij Insurrection
ST:VOY Anorax Year of Hell, The
ST:TNG Antican Lonely Among Us
ST:TOS Apollo Who Mourns for Adonis
ST:TOS April, Robert --none-- first captain of E, use Gene Rodenberry's face
ST:TNG Ardra Devil's Due
ST:TAS Arex multiple appearances
ST:TNG Armus Skin of Evil
Movie Artim Insurrection
Movie Azetbur Undiscovered Country, The
Movie Barclay First Contact in Starfleet uniform
ST:TOS Barrows, Tonia Shore Leave in fairy tale outfit
ST:TOS Barrows, Tonia Shore Leave in Starfleet uniform
ST:TNG Bartholomew, Regina Ship In A Bottle
ST:DS9 Bashir, Julian ??? in blue surgical outfit
ST:DS9 Bashir, Julian ??? in red surgical outfit
ST:DS9 Bashir, Julian ??? in WWII holodeck outfit
ST:DS9 Bashir, Julian Bar Association in Viking holodeck outfit
ST:DS9 Bashir, Julian Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges in white (Insurrection) dress uniform
ST:DS9 Bashir, Julian Looking for Par'Mach... in Risa outfit
ST:DS9 Bashir, Julian multiple appearances from Mirror universe
ST:DS9 Bashir, Julian multiple appearances in First Contact style Starfleet uniform
ST:DS9 Bashir, Julian Rejoined in blue dress uniform
ST:DS9 Bashir, Julian Visitor, The old
ST:TOS Bele Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
ST:DS9 Benteen??? Homefront
ST:DS9 Bolian multiple appearances
ST:TNG Boothby First Duty, The
Movie Borg First Contact multiple variations possible!
ST:VOY Borg Drone 29th century version
ST:VOY Borg Queen Dark Frontier
ST:TNG Brahms, Leah multiple appearances
ST:DS9 Breen multiple appearances
ST:DS9 Brunt multiple appearances Ferengi liquidator
ST:TNG Bynars 10011100 two pack with both Binars
ST:VOY Caretaker Caretaker
Movie Cartwright Undiscovered Country, The
ST:TNG Castillo, Richard Yesterday's Enterprise Leiutenant on the Enterprise C
ST:VOY Chakotay Future's End in 1996 Earth outfit
ST:VOY Chakotay Killing Game, The in American GI uniform
ST:VOY Chakotay multiple appearances in dress uniform
ST:VOY Chakotay Timeless older version
ST:VOY Chaotica Bride of Chaotica!
ST:TOS Chapel Plato's Stepchildren
ST:TOS Charlie Charlie X
Movie Chekov, Pavel Motion Picture, The
Movie Chekov, Pavel Search for Spock, the
Movie Chekov, Pavel Wrath Of Khan, The in Starfleet uniform
Movie Cochrane, Zephram First Contact
ST:TOS Cochrane, Zephram Metamorphosis
ST:TOS Crater, Nancy Man Trap, The
Movie Crusher, Beverly Generations in 19th century sailor uniform
Movie Crusher, Beverly Insurrection in white dress uniform
ST:TNG Crusher, Beverly Attached in dress
ST:TNG Crusher, Beverly Chain of Command - Part 1 in black rescue outfit
ST:TNG Crusher, Beverly First Contact with resculpted hair
ST:TNG Crusher, Beverly Hollow Pursuits in period attire
ST:TNG Crusher, Beverly multiple appearances in blue dress uniform
ST:TNG Crusher, Beverly multiple appearances in first season outfit
ST:TNG Crusher, Beverly Qpid in Robin Hood attire
ST:TNG Crusher, Beverly Sub Rosa in night dress
ST:TNG Crusher, Beverly Time's Arrow 19th century attire
ST:TNG Crusher, Wesley Hollow Pursuits in period attire
ST:TNG Crusher, Wesley multiple appearances as a child, in jumpsuit
ST:TNG Crusher, Wesley multiple appearances in second season jumpsuit
ST:DS9 Damar multiple appearances
ST:TNG Danar, Roga Hunted, The
ST:VOY Danara Pel Lifesigns Doctor's unphaged love interest
ST:TNG Daren, Neela Lessons Picard's girlfriend
Movie Data First Contact partial Borg
Movie Data Generations in 19th century sailor uniform
ST:TNG Data Descent - Part 1 in poker playing outfit
ST:TNG Data Elementary, Dear Data as Sherlock Holmes
ST:TNG Data Fistful of Datas as Miss Amy
ST:TNG Data Qpid as Friar Tuck
ST:TNG Data Time's Arrow 19th century attire
ST:VOY daVinci, Leonardo multiple appearances
ST:DS9 Dax, Ezri Emperor's New Cloak, The ??? from Mirror universe
ST:DS9 Dax, Ezri multiple appearances from Mirror universe
ST:DS9 Dax, Ezri multiple appearances in Starfleet uniform
ST:DS9 Dax, Ezri Take Me Out to the Holo-suite in Niner's uniform
ST:DS9 Dax, Jadzia ??? in mideval holodeck outfit
ST:DS9 Dax, Jadzia Looking for Par'Mach... in Risa outfit
ST:DS9 Dax, Jadzia multiple appearances from Mirror universe
ST:DS9 Dax, Jadzia multiple appearances in First Contact style Starfleet uniform
ST:DS9 Dax, Jadzia Our Man Bashir in period outfit
ST:DS9 Dax, Jadzia Visitor, The old
ST:DS9 Dax, Jadzia You Are Cordially Invited in wedding outfit
ST:TOS Decker, Matt Doomsday Machine, The
Movie Decker, William Motion Picture, The
ST:VOY Delaney, Jenny Bride of Chaotica! same figure as Megan Delaney, on card variant
ST:VOY Delaney, Megan Bride of Chaotica! same figure as Jenny Delaney, on card variant
Movie Doctor First Contact in First Contact style uniform
Movie Doctor First Contact in Starfleet uniform
ST:VOY Doctor Bride of Chaotica! as President of Earth
ST:VOY Doctor Message In A Bottle EMH-1>
ST:VOY Doctor Workforce as Emergency Command Hologram (ECH)
Movie Dougherty Insurrection
ST:DS9 Dukat Indiscretion in Breen armor
ST:DS9 Dukat multiple appearances as a Bajoran
ST:TNG Duras multiple appearances
ST:VOY Earhart, Amelia 37's, The
ST:DS9 Eddington, Michael multiple appearances Maquis defector
ST:TNG Edo Female Justice
ST:TNG Edo Male Justice
ST:TNG Einstein, Albert Descent - Part 1
ST:TOS Elaan Elaan of Troyius
ST:TOS Eve Mudd's Women Mudd's Woman 1
ST:VOY Fear Thaw, The the clown
Movie Federation Ambassador Final Frontier, The
Movie Federation President Undiscovered Country, The
ST:TNG Fek'lhr Devil's Due Klingon devil
ST:TOS Finnegan Shore Leave
ST:VOY Flotter  Once Upon a Time
ST:DS9 Fontaine, Vic multiple appearances
ST:DS9 Founder leader multiple appearances
ST:VOY Frazier, Riley Unity
ST:DS9 Gaila multiple appearances Quark's cousin
ST:DS9 Garak, Elim multiple appearances in Cardassian armor from Mirror universe
ST:DS9 Garak, Elim Our Man Bashir
ST:TNG Garrett, Rachel Yesterday's Enterprise Captain of the Enterprise C
ST:TOS Gary Seven Assignment: Earth w/ Isis
ST:TOS Gav Journey to Babel Tellarite
ST:VOY Gegan Distant Origin dinosaur character
ST:TOS Gem Empath, The
ST:TOS Gill, John Patterns of Force
ST:VOY Goodheart, Constance Bride of Chaotica!
Movie Gorkon, Chancellor Undiscovered Country, The
ST:DS9 Grillka House of Quark Quark's wife
ST:TNG Groppler Zorn Encounter at Farpoint leader of Farpoint station
ST:TNG Guinan Time's Arrow 19th century attire
Movie Harriman, John Generations Captain of the Enterprise B
Movie Hawke First Contact in spacesuit
Movie Hawke First Contact in Starfleet uniform
ST:TNG Hawkings, Steven Descent - Part 1
ST:VOY Hirogen Killing Game, The in Nazi outfit
ST:VOY Hirogen multiple appearances
ST:TNG Homm multiple appearances Lwaxana's assistant
ST:TOS Horta Devil In The Dark
Movie Ilia Motion Picture, The in Starfleet uniform
ST:VOY Janeway, Kathryn Bride of Chaotica! as Queen Arachnia
ST:VOY Janeway, Kathryn Future's End in 1996 Earth outfit
ST:VOY Janeway, Kathryn Future's End in civvies
ST:VOY Janeway, Kathryn Killing Game, The as a Klingon
ST:VOY Janeway, Kathryn Macrocosm in battle outfit
ST:VOY Janeway, Kathryn multiple appearances in dress uniform
ST:VOY Janeway, Kathryn multiple appearances in Victorian dress
ST:VOY Janeway, Kathryn multiple appearances with new (non-bun) hairstyle
ST:VOY Janeway, Kathryn Threshold as futuristic creature
ST:VOY Janeway, Kathryn Year of Hell, The
ST:DS9 Jaro ??? multiple appearances Bajoran Minister
ST:TNG Jellico, Captain Chain of Command
ST:VOY Jetrel Jetrel
ST:TOS Joaquin Space Seed
ST:TOS Jones, Cyrano Trouble With Tribbles
ST:TOS Jones, Miranda Is There No Truth In Beauty? in sensor dress
ST:TOS Kahless Savage Curtain, The
ST:TNG Kamala Perfect Mate, The
ST:DS9 Kang Blood Oath
ST:TOS Kang Day of the Dove
ST:TOS Karidian, Lenore Conscience of the King
ST:VOY Kes ??? in warlord outfit
ST:VOY Kes Gift, The with long hair
ST:TNG K'eyler Emmisary, The in Klingon outfit
ST:TOS Khan Space Seed young version
ST:TOS Khan Space Seed
ST:VOY Kim, Harry Bride of Chaotica! as Buster Kincaid
ST:VOY Kim, Harry Caretaker in Ocampan hospital outfit
ST:VOY Kim, Harry Drive in flightsuit
ST:VOY Kim, Harry multiple appearances in dress uniform
ST:VOY Kim, Harry Timeless older version
ST:DS9 Kira Nerys ??? in blue dress uniform
ST:DS9 Kira Nerys ??? in mideval holodeck outfit
ST:DS9 Kira Nerys Fascination in leisure outfit
ST:DS9 Kira Nerys Indiscretion in Breen armor
ST:DS9 Kira Nerys multiple appearances in seventh season Bajoran Colonel uniform
ST:DS9 Kira Nerys multiple appearances in Starfleet uniform
ST:DS9 Kira Nerys multiple appearances pregnant!
ST:DS9 Kira Nerys Our Man Bashir in period outfit
ST:DS9 Kira Nerys Second Skin as a Cardassian
ST:DS9 Kira Nerys Take Me Out to the Holo-suite in Niner's uniform
Movie Kirk, James Motion Picture, The in spacesuit
Movie Kirk, James Search for Spock, the
Movie Kirk, James Wrath Of Khan, The
ST:TOS Kirk, James Deadly Years, The
ST:TOS Kirk, James Enterprise Incident, The as a Romulan
ST:TOS Kirk, James Mirror, Mirror
ST:TOS Kirk, James Paradise Syndrome As Kirok
ST:TOS Kirk, James Patterns of Force in Nazi uniform
ST:TOS Kirk, James Plato's Stepchildren
Movie Klaa Final Frontier, The Klingon captain
Movie Klaa's female first officer Final Frontier, The
Movie Klingon Ambassador Final Frontier, The
Movie Klingon Ambassador Voyage Home, The
Movie Klingon Warden Undiscovered Country, The
ST:TNG K'mpec multiple appearances
ST:DS9 Koloth Blood Oath
ST:DS9 Kor Blood Oath
ST:TOS Kor Errand of Mercy
ST:TOS Korby What Are Little Girls Made Of?
ST:TOS Krako, Jojo Piece of the Action
ST:TOS Kras Friday's Child
ST:VOY Krenim Year of Hell, The
ST:VOY Kuros Think Tank Jason Alexander character
ST:TOS Kyle multiple appearances
ST:TNG LaForge, Captain Interface Geordi's mother
Movie LaForge, Geordi First Contact in Starfleet uniform
Movie LaForge, Geordi Generations in 19th century sailor uniform
ST:TNG LaForge, Geordi Elementary, Dear Data as Watson
ST:TNG LaForge, Geordi Hollow Pursuits in period attire
ST:TNG LaForge, Geordi Interface in interfacing outfit
ST:TNG LaForge, Geordi Qpid as Alan-A-Dale
ST:TNG LaForge, Geordi Time's Arrow 19th century attire
ST:VOY LaForge, Geordi Timeless Captain LaForge
ST:TNG Lal Offspring, The Data's daughter
ST:DS9 Leeta Looking for Par'Mach... in Risa outfit
ST:DS9 Leeta Take Me Out to the Holo-suite in Niner's uniform
ST:TNG Lefler, Robin Game, The
Movie Lily First Contact in Dixon Hill scenario outfit
Movie Lily First Contact
ST:TOS Lincoln, Abraham Savage Curtain, The
ST:TOS Loki Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
ST:TNG Lore Descent in black outfit
ST:TOS M-113 Salt Creature Man Trap, The
ST:TOS Magda Mudd's Women Mudd's Woman 2
ST:DS9 Maihar'du multiple appearances Grand Nagus' valet
ST:VOY Malon multiple appearances
ST:TOS Mara Day of the Dove Kang's wife
Movie Marcus, Carol Wrath Of Khan, The
Movie Marcus, David Wrath Of Khan, The
ST:DS9 Martok multiple appearances
Movie McCoy, Leonard Search for Spock, the
Movie McCoy, Leonard Wrath Of Khan, The
ST:TOS McCoy, Leonard Deadly Years, The
ST:TOS McCoy, Leonard multiple appearances in blue short sleeve tunic
ST:TOS McCoy, Leonard Patterns of Force in Nazi uniform
ST:TOS McCoy's Caberet Woman #1 Shore Leave
ST:TOS McCoy's Caberet Woman #2 Shore Leave
ST:TOS McGivers, Marla Space Seed
ST:TOS Melakon Patterns of Force
ST:TOS Melkotian Spectre Of The Gun the mist alien
ST:TOS Mendez Cage, The
ST:TNG Minuet 10011100
ST:TOS Miramee Paradise Syndrome
ST:TOS Miri Miri
ST:DS9 Moogie multiple appearances Quark's mother
ST:TOS Moreau, Marlena Mirror, Mirror
ST:TNG Moriarty Elementary, Dear Data
ST:TNG Mott multiple appearances the blue barber
ST:TOS Mr. Atoz All Our Yesterdays
ST:TAS M'Ress multiple appearances
ST:TOS Mudd, Harry Mudd's Women
ST:VOY Neelix Blood Fever ???
ST:VOY Neelix False Profits as a Ferengi
ST:VOY Neelix Killing Game, The
ST:VOY Neelix multiple appearances in chef attire
ST:TNG Newton, Isaac Descent - Part 1
ST:TOS Noel, Helen Daggar of the Mind
ST:DS9 Nog multiple appearances Ensign in Starfleet uniform
ST:DS9 Nog multiple appearances in cadet uniform
ST:DS9 Nog Visitor, The as a Starfleet captain
ST:TOS NOMAD Changeling, The
ST:TOS Nona Private Little War, A
ST:TOS Number One Cage, The First officer to Pike
ST:DS9 O'Brien, Miles ??? in WWII holodeck outfit
ST:DS9 O'Brien, Miles Apocalypse Rising as a Klingon
ST:DS9 O'Brien, Miles Bar Association in Viking holodeck outfit
ST:DS9 O'Brien, Miles multiple appearances as Smiley from Mirror universe
ST:DS9 O'Brien, Miles multiple appearances in First Contact style Starfleet uniform
ST:DS9 O'Brien, Miles Our Man Bashir in period outfit
ST:TNG O'Brien, Miles Encounter at Farpoint
ST:DS9 O'Brien, Molly multiple appearances O'Brien's daughter
ST:DS9 O'Brien, Molly Time's Orphan as a barbarian adult
ST:TNG Ocett Chase, The Cardassian Gul
ST:DS9 Odo ??? as Curzon Dax
ST:DS9 Odo Apocalypse Rising as a Klingon
ST:DS9 Odo Children of Time as old changling
ST:DS9 Odo Facets as Curzon Dax
ST:DS9 Odo multiple appearances in gelatinous state (clear, maybe melted)
ST:DS9 Odo multiple appearances morphing (half transparent effect)
ST:DS9 Odo Take Me Out to the Holo-suite in umpire uniform
ST:DS9 Odo What You Leave Behind in tuxedo
ST:TNG Ogawa, Alyssa First Contact in new uniform
ST:TNG Ogawa, Alyssa multiple appearances Crusher's assistant
ST:TNG Okona, Thaduin Outrageous Okona, The
ST:VOY One Drone
ST:DS9 Opaka (Kai) multiple appearances
ST:TOS Oxmyx, Bela Piece of the Action
ST:TNG Pakled multiple appearances
ST:TOS Palamas, Carolyn Who Mourns for Anonais?
ST:VOY Paris, Tom Bride of Chaotica! as Captain Proton
ST:VOY Paris, Tom Day of Honor in spacesuit
ST:VOY Paris, Tom Drive in flightsuit
ST:VOY Paris, Tom Future's End in 1996 Earth outfit
ST:VOY Paris, Tom Killing Game, The in American GI uniform
ST:VOY Paris, Tom multiple appearances in dress uniform
ST:VOY Pel, Denara Facets Doctor's unphaged love interest
Movie Picard, Jean Luc First Contact in Dixon Hill scenario outfit
Movie Picard, Jean Luc First Contact in spacesuit
Movie Picard, Jean Luc Generations in 19th century sailor uniform
Movie Picard, Jean Luc Insurrection in white dress uniform
ST:TNG Picard, Jean Luc All Good Things… in nightclothes
ST:TNG Picard, Jean Luc Chain of Command - Part 1 in black rescue outfit
ST:TNG Picard, Jean Luc Hollow Pursuits in period attire
ST:TNG Picard, Jean Luc Inner Light as Kamen
ST:TNG Picard, Jean Luc Qpid in Robin Hood attire
ST:TNG Picard, Jean Luc Time's Arrow 19th century attire
ST:TNG Picard, Robert Family
ST:TOS Pike, Christopher Menagerie, The in wheelchair
ST:TOS Piper Cage, The
ST:TNG Pulaski Elementary, Dear Data in 19th century attire
ST:TNG Q All Good Things… as an old man
ST:TNG Q Qpid as Sherrif of Nottingham
ST:TNG Q True Q female Amanda
ST:VOY Q Death Wish as played by non-John deLancie actor
ST:VOY Q Q and the Grey as played by Susie Plaxton
ST:VOY Q Q and the Grey in American Civil War uniform
ST:DS9 Quark House of Quark in Klingon uniform
ST:DS9 Quark Profit and Lace as Lumba, the female Ferengi
Movie Rand, Janice Undiscovered Country, The
ST:TNG Rasmussen, Berlingoff Matter of Time, A
ST:DS9 Rhozhenko, Alexander Sons and Daughters Worf's son, as a young Klingon warrior
ST:TNG Rhozhenko, Alexander multiple appearances as a child 
ST:TNG Riker, Jean Luc Future Imperfect Riker's son
ST:TNG Riker, Thomas Second Chances in corrected uniform
Movie Riker, William Generations in 19th century sailor uniform
Movie Riker, William Generations in Starfleet uniform
Movie Riker, William Insurrection in white dress uniform
ST:TNG Riker, William Hollow Pursuits in period attire
ST:TNG Riker, William multiple appearances from first season, without a beard
ST:TNG Riker, William Qpid in Robin Hood attire
ST:TNG Riker, William Time's Arrow 19th century attire
ST:TOS Riley multiple appearances
ST:TNG Ro Laren Preemptive Strike as Maquis
ST:VOY Robot Prototype
ST:DS9 Rom multiple appearances in Bajoran engineering uniform
ST:DS9 Rom Take Me Out to the Holo-suite in Niner's uniform
Movie Romulan Ambassador Final Frontier, The
Movie Romulan Ambassador Undiscovered Country, The
ST:TOS Romulan Centurian Balance of Terror
ST:TOS Romulan Commander Balance of Terror
ST:TOS Romulan Female Commander Enterprise Incident
ST:DS9 Ross (Admiral) multiple appearances
Movie Ru'afo Insurrection
ST:TOS Ruk What Are Little Girls Made Of?
ST:TOS Ruth Shore Leave
ST:TOS Ruthie Mudd's Women Mudd's Woman 3
Movie Saavik Search for Spock, the
ST:TOS Sarek Journey to Babel
ST:VOY Satan's Robot Bride of Chaotica!
Movie Scott, Montgomery Motion Picture, The
Movie Scott, Montgomery Search for Spock, the
Movie Scott, Montgomery Wrath Of Khan, The in engineering uniform
Movie Scott, Montgomery Wrath Of Khan, The in red uniform
ST:TOS Scott, Montgomery Deadly Years, The
ST:TOS Scott, Montgomery Savage Curtain, The in dress uniform (kilt)
ST:TNG Selar Schizoid Man, The Vulcan female doctor
ST:TNG Selay Lonely Among Us
ST:VOY Seven of Nine Killing Game, The in dress
ST:VOY Seven of Nine multiple appearances in brown jumpsuit
ST:VOY Seven of Nine Prey in spacesuit
ST:VOY Seven of Nine Relativity in Starfleet uniform
ST:VOY Seven of Nine Scorpion as a FULL Borg
ST:VOY Seven of Nine Someone To Watch Over Me in date dress
ST:TOS Shahna Gamesters of Triskelion, The
ST:DS9 Shakaar multiple appearances
ST:TNG Shelby Best of Both Worlds Riker's first officer
ST:TOS Shras Journey to Babel
ST:DS9 Sisko, Benjamin Far Beyond The Stars as Benny
ST:DS9 Sisko, Benjamin multiple appearances in First Contact style Starfleet uniform
ST:DS9 Sisko, Benjamin Our Man Bashir in period outfit
ST:DS9 Sisko, Benjamin Take Me Out To The Holo-Suite in Niner's uniform
ST:DS9 Sisko, Jake multiple appearances as an adult
ST:DS9 Sisko, Jake Visitor, The as an adult
ST:DS9 Sisko, Jennifer multiple appearances
ST:DS9 Sisko, Joseph multiple appearances Sisko's father
ST:TNG Sito Jaxa Below Decks
ST:DS9 Sloane, Luther multiple appearances from Section 31
Movie Spock Motion Picture, The in spacesuit
Movie Spock Search for Spock, the
Movie Spock Voyage Home, The in Vulcan robes
Movie Spock Wrath Of Khan, The
ST:TOS Spock Deadly Years, The
ST:TOS Spock Patterns of Force in Nazi uniform
ST:TOS Spock Piece of the Action, A in gangster outfit
ST:TOS Spock Plato's Stepchildren
ST:TOS Spock Spock's Brain
ST:TOS Spock This Side of Paradise in brown jumpsuit
ST:TOS Stella I, Mudd Harry Mudd's wife
ST:TOS Stonn Amok Time
ST:VOY Suder, Lon Basics
Movie Sulu, Demora Generations
Movie Sulu, Hikaru Motion Picture, The
Movie Sulu, Hikaru Search for Spock, the
Movie Sulu, Hikaru Undiscovered Country, The as a Captain
Movie Sulu, Hikaru Wrath Of Khan, The
ST:TOS Sulu, Hikaru Mirror, Mirror
ST:TOS Sulu, Hikaru Naked Time, The shirtless and w/ sword
ST:TOS Surak Savage Curtain, The
Movie Sybok Final Frontier, The
ST:DS9 Tahna Los Past Prologue
ST:DS9 Tain, Enibrin multiple appearances former head of Obsidian Order
Movie Taylor, Gillian Voyage Home, The
Movie Terrell Wrath Of Khan, The captain of the Reliant
ST:TOS Thelev Journey to Babel
ST:TAS Thelin Yesteryear Andorian crewman
ST:TOS Tholian Tholian Web
ST:TNG Tomalak multiple appearances
ST:VOY Torres, B'lanna Caretaker in Maquis outfit
ST:VOY Torres, B'lanna Caretaker in Ocampan hospital outfit
ST:VOY Torres, B'lanna Day of Honor in spacesuit
ST:VOY Torres, B'lanna Drive in flightsuit
ST:VOY Torres, B'lanna Faces as a human
ST:VOY Torres, B'lanna Killing Game, The pregnant!
ST:VOY Torres, B'lanna multiple appearances in dress uniform
ST:VOY Torres, B'lanna multiple appearances with new, longer hairstyle
ST:VOY Torres, B'lanna Remember ???
Movie T'Pau Search for Spock, the
ST:TOS T'Pau Amok Time
ST:TOS T'Pring Amok Time
ST:TOS Tracey, Ron Omega Glory, The
ST:VOY Treevus Once Upon a Time
Movie Troi, Deanna Generations in 19th century sailor uniform
Movie Troi, Deanna Generations in Starfleet uniform (not accurate, but possible)
Movie Troi, Deanna Insurrection in white dress uniform
ST:TNG Troi, Deanna Encounter at Farpoint in blue skirt
ST:TNG Troi, Deanna Face Of The Enemy as a Romulan
ST:TNG Troi, Deanna Hollow Pursuits in period attire
ST:TNG Troi, Deanna multiple appearances in blue dress (3rd season)
ST:TNG Troi, Deanna multiple appearances in blue dress uniform
ST:TNG Troi, Deanna multiple appearances in first season outfit
ST:TNG Troi, Deanna Qpid in Robin Hood attire
ST:TNG Troi, Deanna Time's Arrow 19th century attire
ST:VOY Tuvix Tuvix
ST:VOY Tuvok Flashback in red TOS Starfleet uniform
ST:VOY Tuvok Future's End in 1996 Earth outfit
ST:VOY Tuvok Killing Game, The
ST:VOY Tuvok multiple appearances in dress uniform
ST:VOY Tuvok Q and the Grey in American Civil War uniform
ST:TNG Twain, Mark Time's Arrow
Movie Uhura Search for Spock, the
Movie Uhura Wrath Of Khan, The
ST:TOS Uhura Corbomite Maneuver, The in gold uniform
ST:TOS Uhura Mirror, Mirror
ST:TOS Uhura Plato's Stepchildren
Movie Valeris Undiscovered Country, The
ST:TNG Vash Qpid in Robin Hood attire
ST:TOS Vian Empath, The the experimenters
ST:TOS Vina Cage, The disfigured
ST:TOS Vina Cage, The in human form
ST:TOS Vina Cage, The in silver Talosian dress
ST:VOY Virus creature Macrocosm
ST:VOY Vorik Blood Fever Vulcan engineer
Movie Vulcan Leader First Contact
ST:TOS Wesley, Bob Ultimate Computer, The
ST:DS9 Weyoun multiple appearances the Vorta
ST:VOY Wildman, Naomi multiple appearances
ST:VOY Wildman, Samantha multiple appearances Naomi's mother
ST:DS9 Winn (Kai) multiple appearances yellow costume
ST:DS9 Winn (Vedek) multiple appearances
Movie Worf First Contact in spacesuit
Movie Worf Generations in Starfleet uniform
ST:DS9 Worf Looking for Par'Mach... in Risa outfit
ST:DS9 Worf Our Man Bashir in period outfit
ST:DS9 Worf Rejoined in dress uniform (red)
ST:DS9 Worf Rules of Engagement in dress uniform (red)
ST:DS9 Worf Shattered Mirror as Regent from alternate universe
ST:DS9 Worf Trials & Tribble-ations in K-7 disguise
ST:DS9 Worf You Are Cordially Invited in wedding outfit
ST:TNG Worf Emmisary, The in Klingon outfit
ST:TNG Worf multiple appearances in dress uniform (yellow)
ST:TNG Worf multiple appearances in yellow 2nd season uniform
ST:TNG Worf Qpid as Will Scarlett
ST:TNG Yar, Tasha multiple appearances in yellow dress uniform
ST:TNG Yar, Tasha Naked Now in dress
ST:TOS Yarnek Savage Curtain, The the rock alien
ST:DS9 Yates, Kassidy multiple appearances Sisko's wife
ST:DS9 Zimmerman, Louis Dr. Bashir, I Presume Doctor in engineering uniform
ST:DS9 Ziyal, Tora multiple appearances Dukat's daughter