Last Update:

The following are a short review of the most often abused Playtrek
"Rules" and common subject line tags to be used to identify your
Playtrek messages.
"The Rules"
- -No spams, trolls or chain letters allowed on Playtrek
- -No flames or flame wars
- -No private mail forwarded/quoted to the list without permission
- -No Playtrek mail forwarded/quoted outside the list without permission
- -No binary files allowed on the list
- -No MIME-encoded messages allowed on the list
- -No HTMLized messages allowed on the list
- -Edit your messages for pertinant quoting
- -Put spoiler warnings on newer episode show plots
- -Stay on topic
Playtrek subject line tags
- OT - Off Topic
- FS - For Sale
- FT - For Trade
- WTT - Wanted To Trade
- WTB - Wanted To Buy
- SPOILER - Spoiler warning