Mr. Spock Experiences the Russian Culture

Spock enjoys a taste of Russian tea from the traditional samovar.
"Tea is logical to keep oneself warm during the long Russian winters."

Spock enjoys a repast of a traditional Russian meal during a picnic.
"Ah!  A vegetarians delight as all these vegetables are grown without chemicals."

Spock enjoys a refreshing local drink, known as a NENC[?].
"The markings on this container are most fascinating, but my tricorder translates it as 'Pepsi'."

Spock perches himself on a birch tree and admires the Russian forest from the banks of the Volga river.
(Apologies for the poor photo, but it's the best available.)
"The birch tree is numerous on the countryside and is the national tree of Russia."

Spock experiences the banya, the Russian bath house, where he gets nude in the steam room and beats his body clean with the branches of the birch tree.
"Even Vulcans have a need to bathe."

Using public transport, Spock travels from Vladimir to Saint Petersburg in a Russian sleeper train.
"The transporter would have been a more efficient mode of travel, however the train has provided a unique learning experience."

Spock is surrounded by Russian wooden dolls, locally known as matryoshkas.
"Indeed, toys are very logical.  Some of my best friends are toys."

Spock befriends Cheburashka and Gena from the Russian children's show, Crocodile Gena and Cheburashaka.  Here, they celebrate Gena's birthday and Spock has brought him a present.
"It's a pity... we've a birthday... only once a year."
Click HERE to hear Gena sing his birthday song.
[Requires Real Player (free software)]


Spock plays the role of Gena as he and Cheburashka re-enact a famous scene from the Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka television show.  In this scene, Spock and Cheburashka are travelling and Spock is carrying their suitcase.  Cheburaska offers to carry the suitcase for a while, but Spock explains it is too heavy for Cheburashka to carry.  Therefore Cheburashka comes up with a brilliant idea.  Cheburashka will carry the suitcase, while Spock will carry Cheburashka.  That way Spock will no longer have to carry the suitcase.

"Cheburashka, your plan is not logical."

Click HERE to hear a sound file of Gena and Cheburashka performing this scene.
[Requires Real Player (free software)]

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Playtrek Spock getting to know the Russian people
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